鎸夌収浣犵殑瀛楁暟瑕佹眰,湁鑰冪爺鍜屽叚绾т綔鏂囩殑瀛楁暟鎵嶇?涓嬮潰鏄?亢缁欎綘鎵剧殑6绡?鍏跺疄浣犺嚜宸变篃鍙?互缃戜笂鎵剧殑.1.College Gr。
例文IwanttobeateacherwhenIlistentomyteachercarefully.IthinkIcanbeateacherwhenIgrowup.Icanhelpmany 例文Iw。
two hundred不能加s,如果是好几百个才加s,如hundreds of people
Asasophomore,Ifeelthatthetimeflies.Youmayconsiderthatcollegelifeisboring.Aswedon’tknowhowtodeal Asas。
Deng Jiaxian is development of China's nuclear weapons development and the main organizer, leade。
I believe China is developing in a fast pace. the economy flourishes and culminates, which makes our。
1.It was a fine day .I want to visit my aunt and her baby .The baby is only two years old .She is ve。
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