be alive and kicking 生气勃勃;be crossed in love 爱情受挫;be on edge 紧张,急躁不安;be thrilled to bits 兴奋至极;burn u。
1、first love初恋;2、unrequited [one-sided] love单相思;3、mothers love母爱;4、be crossed in love 失恋;5、calf [pup。
be full ofThe hall was full of people.大厅里挤满了人.Mary's heart was full of distress.玛丽的心里充满痛苦.becaus。
你的光茫很耀眼,奉承你的人越来越多.Your shine is so brilliant,and so many people are flattering you.我发觉你跟我已经渐行渐远.I fi。
1.Absolutely.(用于答话)是这样;当然是;正是如此;绝对如此.2.Absolutely impossible!绝对不可能的!3.All I have to do is learning E。
为大家整理了英语骂人的句子,分为两种供大家参考!一、优雅骂人;二、粗话骂人;希望对你们学习英语有帮助!注:学会后不要随意用英语骂人哦!做个文明礼貌之人... 白。
哈喽大家好,这里是【诗酒菩提】,说到有深度的英文美句,莎士比亚这些名人的句子真的是要首推的,这些句子文辞优美,含蓄隽永,富有哲理。分享给大家。 一.威廉... 10。
拟人句:The wind stood up and gave a shout.风站了起来 大声叫了一声.My computer hates me.电脑不喜欢我.Necklace is a friend。
sweet reportforever lovebeautiful melodyelegant lovebe happylike diamondscall me maybe望采纳~~ sweet re。
表示离开的短语:depart from; deviate from; leave for等。扩展资料不适宜由我说出他离开的.原因。It's not for me to say why he l。
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