中国珍稀濒危植物 【荷叶铁线蕨】 【学 名】 Adiantum reniforme L. var. sinense Y. X. Ling 【中文学名】 荷叶铁线蕨 【科 别】 Adiant。
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are over 27,000 specie。
我刚找到得,我是航Dolphin Dolphin nursing program,a cetacean,Asia Head tooth whales,porpoises,commonly known 。
Common Name Elephant ; Elephant (Fr); Elefante (Sp) Scientific Name Elephas maximus (southern Asia),。
Common Name Elephant ; Elephant (Fr); Elefante (Sp) Scientific Name Elephas maximus (southern Asia),。
The Chinese Crested Ibis, also known as the Pheasant-tailed Jacana, is a critically endangered bird 。
Rhino: (犀牛)Today there are 5 species and 11 subspecies of rhinos surviving on earth. Two species (Bl。
The Blue Whale is known as the world’s biggest animal which is 100 tons or more. It can be found in 。
The Golden monkey Golden monkeys live only in China.They are protected by Chinese government.Their f。
哺乳类 中文名 学名 保护级别 单孔目 Monotremata 长吻针鼹 Zaglossus bruijni EN濒危 袋貂目 Dasyuromorphia 沙漠袋貂 Smintho。
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